I think that Rome was better off as an empire than a republic for many different reasons. First of all, the Empire of Rome controlled a lot of land and they learned a lot about the other countries they were ruling. These other countries influenced Rome a lot because Rome learned about their cultures and they developed many beneficial ideas while being an Empire. The Empire was very secure and protective because of the border controls and even when the empire continued to grow, it also became safer. This made the people feel safe inside the borders of the Empire. The army of the Roman Empire was very strong and they made many achievements in military conflicts. The government was also very organized with a Roman emperor along with the Senate. This gave a lot of freedom to the plebeians, or lower-class citizens of Rome. The emperors of Rome after the Empire was established made good decisions for the Roman Empire and did things that would benefit all people of Rome, so they were not selfish. Architecture and the arts flourished under the Empire and many new ideas were introduced that benefitted society, including cement. There were many things wrong with the Roman Republic, especially how the government worked. The patricians made up almost the whole Senate and since they were so rich, they were allowed to have all these government positions. The plebeians did not have nearly as much power or freedom as they did as in the Empire and there were not many opportunities for them to prosper in society. The two groups often argued and got into fights because the plebeians were not treated fairly so there was a lot of chaos as a republic. The Roman Republic even went through civil wars when Caesar was dictator so many things went wrong. The Empire gave the people a lot more freedom and Rome prospered under an Empire for hundreds of years.
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