I honestly do not think in any way that Julius Caesar’s killers were justified in their actions. At the time of Caesar’s assassination, Caesar was becoming more of a dictator and the Senate even declared that he was the dictator of the Roman Republic. The Senate saw that Caesar was beginning to gain a lot of power and they did not like how he was stealing their power. This made the Senate angry and they were afraid he would overthrow the Senate with his power and possibly become a king. These were the main reasons why the Roman Senate decided that Julius Caesar needed to go. So a group of Roman Senators called the Liberatores devised a plan to kill Julius Caesar so they could regain power in the republic. On the day of March 15, or the Ides of March, 44 BC, Caesar went to the Theatre of Pompey to see a gladiator shoe. After it was over, Caesar’s loyal friend, Mark Antony, knew something was wrong and tried to alert Caesar, but he barely missed him. Caesar was led into a back room at the theatre and he was approached by about forty Roman Senators. Caesar knew something was wrong at this point, but he could not escape because he was surrounded on all sides, and he was stabbed about 23 times. Caesar was officially dead at the scene and the Roman Republic would fall a little bit because the government was in total chaos. I do not think killing Julius Caesar was an option that the Senate should have used and it was a terrible act that should have not been taken. There were other alternatives the Senate could have taken to get Caesar out of office. Killing a person can usually never be justified unless it is in self-defense and the assassination of Caesar was completely inappropriate. Caesar was an emperor that many Romans respected and his death would hurt Rome and its government.
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