I think that you could make a solid argument for Alexander avenging Persian wrongs and using it as propaganda to mask his goal of conquest. There are many reasons why you could say that Alexander was avenging Persian wrongs. First of all, Persia had a history of hatred of Greece and constantly wanted to get revenge on Greece since they defeated them in the Persian War. Greece was always alert for Persia since they could attack at any time and Persia had the world’s greatest empire at the time when Alexander was growing up. When Alexander became leader of Macedonia, a region in northern Greece, there was a lot of pressure put upon him. The people finally found a leader who could step up and lead Greece and they needed Alexander to defeat Persia once and for all. The more power Alexander gained throughout his years of reign, the more hatred he developed for Persia and the more he learned that Greece had been a victim of Persia for many years. He knew Greece needed to prevail over Persia so they could become powerful again so he felt he needed to get revenge on the Persians. Alexander could have also used this as propaganda to mask his goal of conquest. Alexander developed a life-long goal that he set out for- to take control of the Persian Empire and the rest of the world. He could have got revenge on the Persians so the people would think he would be finally defeating Persia even though he wanted to conquer the world. Alexander’s army knew he ultimately wanted to attack Persia so they followed him but they did not know he wanted to take over the world after that event. This is why you could make an argument for both points of view.
I would like to hear more about your ideas regarding Alexander and propaganda.