Artifacts of the humanities are objects or ideas that are somehow made or developed by human beings. These artifacts can include art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, and architecture. Within these categories is when human begin to create objects and things that can help us learn more about history and we can see it progress when more and more artifacts are discovered. Humans have been creating these artifacts for thousands of years and they can guide us to a time in history when they were made. These artifacts are so important in history because throughout the years we can see how each artifact has progressed through the years and how they have revolutionized from simple things years ago to complex things today in the present. Political/military conflicts have been occurring since the beginning of time and some have been major while some have been relatively minor. Historians can see that wars occur almost all the time and since there have been so many, we can find out if the state of wars in the world are getting better or worse. The results can tell us if history really is guiding us in the right path for the future or it is not progressing and it is going to get much worse. Both of these ideas can be roadmaps of history where they guide us in the right path and we can learn from them in the past, but it depends on which idea is better for us to use from.
I think that the artifacts of humanities are a better roadmap for history because we can track the artifacts for these humanities from thousands of years ago and we can see how much we have grown in these categories. Art has vastly improved through the years because art has grown more complex these days compared to how simple it was back in the day. Philosophy is one of the artifacts that have grown the most because there were many famous philosophers in the past including Socrates and Plato that developed systems of philosophy, and today we have based many of our philosophies on the ones in the past. All of the other artifacts of humanities have greatly improved throughout time and have led me to believe that history is getting much better because of the improvements of these artifacts. These artifacts are guiding history in the right path in my opinion and I think the artifacts are a great way to see if history is going in the right path. I just think it is easier to see the progress of history and how it is changing through artifacts made by the people than wars created by us.
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