Alexander the Great’s death was very unexpected and most people did not see it coming. There were many theories behind his death, but the one of the main ones says that Alexander had been drinking the night before his death. He then developed a fever, which turned severely worse, and his health was drastically declining. Alexander died on June 10, 323 B.C.E, and this surprised almost everyone. Many of the theories of Alexander’s death mostly involve him drinking alcohol and dying from a terrible disease caused by the alcohol. The body of Alexander was placed in a gold sarcophagus, and it was buried, but then it was transferred to Alexandria. At this point in time, most of the people of Macedonia were confused and did not know what to do for the future of their powerful empire. It was like everything was going right at one point, but then everything went downhill after the death of Alexander the Great. Macedonia was now in a state of chaos and something needed to be done so order could be restored and so other areas of the world would not take advantage of the struggling Macedonia. I think the first thing that should have been done is that Macedonia should find a new leader to replace Alexander as soon as possible. If this could happen, I think Macedonia could continue to be the strongest empire in the world if a new leader could restore order in society. This would have to be the first thing to be done. The second thing that should be done is for the new Macedonian leader to keep trying to conquer as much land as possible so they can regain their status as the world’s elite empire. These two steps would definitely help Macedonia keep on track after the sudden death of Alexander the Great.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Daily #19
It is true that Alexander the Great was a dominant force during his time and no one could stop him. He conquered the entire Persian Empire with his army and he had so much power as a leader. I just do not see any person being as much of a force as Alexander the Great was. One of the main reasons for this is because the world has changed a lot since Alexander’s time. The people have changed and the government has changed drastically, which was a major part of Alexander’s journey to conquer the Persian Empire. During Alexander’s time, the governments were not as organized as they are now and they did not have enough power to stop Alexander the Great during his prime. Alexander the Great could pretty gain as much power as he wanted because no one had as much power as him. Another reason why Alexander could not be stopped is that there were not as many laws in society back then so Alexander could do almost whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. Alexander could declare war on anyone whenever he chose to and he could invade other empires without getting in trouble because there was no law saying you couldn’t. In today’s world, it would be hard for anyone to rise up and gain as much power as Alexander did and that is why I could not see it happen. Even if someone tried to gain power in society and try to rule other countries, the government would come in and prevent them from gaining control. Many of the laws in certain countries prevent another Alexander from gaining control and every person who tried would be stopped by the strong government we have now. I could not imagine a force like Alexander existing in today’s world.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Daiy #18
Aristotle was a very big influence on Alexander the Great’s life. Aristotle was an important Greek philosopher during the Greek Empire and was one of the main teachers of Alexander the Great. Aristotle began to teach Alexander when he was about thirteen years old because Alexander’s father, Philip, wanted young Alexander to have a better education. Aristotle taught Alexander a wide variety of things including medicine, philosophy, religion, morals, and art. Alexander learned a lot from Aristotle and began to admire Aristotle as one of his main role models. Since Aristotle was one of the most prominent philosophers in the Western Civilization, he tried to pass on as much information as he could to Alexander and give him more knowledge about philosophy. After Aristotle was done tutoring Alexander at the age of sixteen, Alexander started to gain power in Macedonia and became the ruler after his father had died. I do not think that Alexander the Great listened carefully to Aristotle because later in his life, he would be part of wars and violence and he did not use much of the knowledge that Aristotle gave to him.
Aristotle taught Alexander very well, but unfortunately Alexander did not use Aristotle’s teachings to his advantage. Alexander was always trying to conquer as much land as possible and his main goal was to conquer the entire Persian Empire so he could be the ruler. Sadly, many teachings from the brilliant Aristotle were not present during most of Alexander’s life. Alexander not really listening to Aristotle could have been a good thing because he achieved his ultimate goal without using most of the knowledge given to him by Aristotle. Alexander could have accomplished a lot more during his life if he actually used the knowledge given to him. Alexander the Great did not listen to Aristotle because he resorted to war and wanted all the power, which is not what Aristotle taught him as a boy.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Daily #17
A leader is someone who must guide others to something for them to gain success. A person must have a specific reason to lead others or there would be no point in them actually doing it. One main reason that forces someone to lead others is a source of motivation. A true leader must have motivation in order to lead others to victory and the motivation could come from anywhere as long as it is inspiring to someone. Motivation must be present in a leader or the job cannot get done and motivation is key in critical situations. For example, when a leader reaches an obstacle that is difficult to overcome, he or she must find that motivation that inspired them to lead others and battle their way through the obstacles. Another reason that forces someone to lead others is that they want to accomplish a major goal and they want to achieve greatness. A leader that wants to accomplish a major goal must get the help from others so he can complete the goal he or she set out for. A leader that wants to do the absolute best for their people must use them to their advantage. Some goals may be too large for one person to accomplish, so a leader should get as much help as he or she needs to achieve the ultimate goal. A leader who wants to achieve greatness must be willing to do what is best for the people and must sacrifice their lives just for the people. If a person really wants to become a remembered hero, they must have the qualities of a true leader and do what is right for the group they lead. These are the things that make ordinary people want to lead groups of people.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Weekly #4
Lysander- Spartan commander
Adonis- main character and is in the military of Athens
Pericles- leader of Athens
Achilles- an Athenian who dies because of the plague
Orion- leader of Syracuse
Philip- Narrator
Philo- A person in the Spartan army
Alcibiades- the leader of the fleet to Sicily
This play is going to detail the numerous events that took place during the Peloponnesian War. It will account the life of Adonis as he tries to lead Athens to victory during the Peloponnesian War.
Philip- It all started in about 431 B.C. when Athens was at the top of the Mediterranean and they continued to rise. The Athenian navy was the strongest it had ever been and they were in complete control.
Pericles- I have built the greatest navy the world has ever seen! But I know that our foe Sparta is going to get their revenge somehow.
Adonis- Do not worry, sir. We are prepared for any attack that is put upon us. I do agree, though, that Sparta is out to get us.
Philip- Pericles and Adonis were right because Sparta was gearing up to attack Athens with all their might. The Spartans mustered the greatest army the world had ever seen and were confident about their well thought out plans.
Lysander- Look at the size of my great army! We can’t possibly lose to the weak Athens. This is definitely our time to show the world we are the most powerful.
Philo- It is true, sir. It would be a complete embarrassment if we actually lost to Athens. This might be our only chance to prove we are worthy of being the best.
Lysander- Our plan is to block their port near Piraeus and give them a deadly plague that will ravage most of their population so poor old Athens becomes weak.
Philo- We will defeat Athens!
Philip- The Spartan army does what they planned to and attacked Athens to their advantage. They blocked the necessary shipments for Athens and the people were trapped inside the city walls of Athens. The people were crammed and it appeared that Athens was not prepared for such a vicious blow.
Pericles- Our city is in danger! We must try our best to overcome such a dreadful situation!
Adonis- I will try to gather our troops so we can fend the Spartans off.
Philip- Meanwhile, the Spartans are doing their best to keep attacking Athens.
Lysander- This is great! Our plan has worked to perfection and we will complete the last part of our plan.
Philo- What is that, sir?
Lysander- The one thing that will hurt Athens for years- the plague.
Philip- While the Athenians were gathering their troops to defend the city of Athens, the plague was released and devastated Athens.
Pericles- What is this dreadful disease that has been brought upon us?
Achilles- I don’t know, but everyone is getting extremely sick and people are starting to die.
Pericles- I see that even our most trusted troop is sick, too.
Philip- Pericles saw how sick Adonis was and he was afraid he would not make it. Luckily for Adonis, he found a potion that cured him of the sickness. This was the turning point of Adonis’s life and it showed that he could overcome anything. Still, the plague was wiping everyone out, including Pericles.
Achilles- I have been affected by this terrible disease. I cannot go on any longer! (he dies).
Pericles- I am feeling terrible right now. I need someone to take over my position as leader of this fine city. (he dies).
Philip- Roughly one-third of the total population of Athens was dead because of the plague and Athens was in desperate need of some help. Meanwhile, the Spartans had done exactly what they wanted to do.
Lysander- Our work here is done. Let us go back to our city-state and celebrate this wonderful victory!
Philip- At this point in time, Athens was in a decline and needed to do something to regain the power they once had. Shortly after the war, Athens found out that their ally, Sicily, was under attack by Syracuse. Athens felt that they needed to help and maybe this would help them gain the power they needed to rise up. Alcibiades was the main leader and general of the Athenian navy. Adonis also plays a role during the expedition to Sicily.
Alcibiades- Let us go to Sicily and help them out.
Adonis- Great idea, sir. This might take a while, though.
Alcibiades- This will be a good plan as long as the Spartans do not interfere again like last time.
Adonis- Well, we must be on our way.
Philip- The strong Athenian navy departed Athens around the year 415 B.C. and was ready to take on the Syracuse army. The Syracuse army was pretty strong and was capable of defeating the Athenian navy, but they had no idea the Athenians were going to attack them. The Athenians thought for sure they would win this battle. But Alcibiades was charged and arrested for a religious crime and had to be tried during the fleet. He had to leave somehow so he could go back to the trial in Athens.
Alcibiades- (about halfway during the trip) I have to go back to Athens.
Adonis- Why?
Alcibiades- I must check to see if Athens has recovered.
Adonis- OK. (Alcibiades takes one of the ships and leaves.)
Adonis- What is wrong with him? I must follow him to see what is going on.
Philip- Adonis secretly follows Alcibiades and they both arrive in Athens. Suddenly, Adonis travels to Sparta and Adonis wonders what is going on with him. Then, Alcibiades tells the Spartans Athens plans but thankfully Adonis was there to hear him.
Adonis- Alcibiades, why would you do such a thing? You have betrayed our city and I must kill you. (Gets out his sword)
Alcibiades- I have a whole army behind me. You can’t stop me.
Lysander- Troops, finish him.
Philip- Adonis stands no chance, and he is murdered quickly.
Lysander- I must now send messengers to Syracuse so they will be prepared for the Athenian attack.
Philip- Messengers are sent to Syracuse before the navy of Athens can get there, so Syracuse finds out.
Orion- I cannot believe the Athenians would attack us! I must gather my army and train them for this battle.
Philip- When the Athenians arrive in Syracuse, they have high hopes and are not worried at all. What they do not know is that the Syracuse army is well prepared and have more soldiers and weapons then Athens. The slaughtering begins once the Athenian soldiers get off the boats and Orion is impressed.
Orion- I knew we would win this battle! We were no match for the little Athenian navy. I am so proud of this moment!
Philip- Well, Sparta got involved and Athens was devastated again during the Peloponnesian War. Athens would decline for the next decade and Sparta would now be the new leaders of the Mediterranean. Even though Athens lost, they remembered the soldier Adonis, who did anything he could to help his city win. Athens honored him by building a statue for him and he was considered a true hero of Athens.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Daily #16
The origins of theatre are tied into religion and politics in many ways. Religion was very important in the origins of theatre because the Athenian religious festival was an integral part to the theatres and they honored the god Dionysus. The tragedies that took place in the theatres occurred in front of temples to be reverent to the Athenian gods. Many of the plays that took place had characters that were either gods or goddesses and sacrifices were often performed during the plays. City Dionysia was a religious festival that included tragedies and comedies that were eventually performed and this festival honored the famous god, Dionysus. The plays probably honored an ancient Greek god or goddesses depending on what the play was about and since religion was so important to the Greeks, they had to infiltrate their own religion somehow. The plays at the theatre of Dionysus were usually performed outdoors in open-air auditoriums because many of the religious affairs were conducted outside. Politics were tied into theatre in ancient Greece because the theatres were funded and taken care by the Athenian government and many of the male actors that performed in the plays were probably in the high class. If the actors performed well enough to exceed everyone’s expectations, they could be offered a political position as a reward of their achievements. The theatres in ancient Greek were not really part of the business world like they are now and the plays went on because the people had the power to make them happen. This means that the democracy was really influential for the theatres of Greece so religion and politics were somehow tied into theatres.
Dail #15
I do not think Socrates really got what he deserved because it was definitely not fair for the Athenians to arrest him for expressing his beliefs. It does not make much sense that Socrates got arrested because Athens at the time was a democracy and Socrates should have had the right to speak up and voice his own opinion. Socrates really helped Athens rise to a great empire with his superior intellect and his mind and suddenly the people of Athens were turning against him for some reason. The main reason why the Athenians got mad at Socrates was they needed someone to blame for the results of the Peloponnesian War and they decided that Socrates was the cause. Socrates always used reason and logic to understand the world but sometimes his mind got him into trouble. He often questioned and argued the ancient Greek traditions and the people of Athens were starting to become suspicious of him. He did what was right for the city of Athens during his prime years and it was not his fault that he was forced to die. Socrates was technically arrested for two charges- corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety, which was going against the religious principles of the people and creating your own. He eventually was led into one of the most famous trials of all time and the trial did not go well for him. He was not given much time to defend himself and the Athenians that once admired him for his mind found him guilty of his charges. Socrates then was forced to commit suicide against himself by drinking a deadly potion containing hemlock, and he was 70 years old when he died. I do not think he accepted exile because he wanted to stand up for his beliefs and probably thought death was a better option at the time then exile. He knew the people did not respect him anymore and he knew the people of Athens wanted someone else to replace him.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Daily #14
I really think that Athens was a democracy during their prosperous years because a democracy was formed so the people could have their own say in the government. A democracy formed in Athens in around 508 BC and helped Athens and Greece rise to one of the greatest empires in the Mediterranean. Even though many democracies formed after the rise of Athens from their democracy, Athens had the most well-known democracies history has ever see. The citizens and people of Athens made up the democracy of Athens and they could have their own opinions on laws and other things in Athens. Tyrants and aristocrats ruled before the democracy of Athens started to flourish and one of the main tyrants before the democracy was Peisistratus. Peisistratus was not your typical tyrant during his rule in Athens because he lowered taxes for the people and helped enforce the arts in Athens. When he passed away, he was succeeded by his son Hippias. Hippias was a harsh tyrant who suppressed the people and one citizen, Cleisthenes, was looking at how Athens was changing with Hippias in power. Hippias became very suspicious after the death of his brother and gave no freedom to the people. Cleisthenes took charge now and eventually gained power of Athens after he exiled Hippias from Athens forever. Cleisthenes established a democracy in Athens because he knew the people wanted freedom and they had suffered from aristocrats for so many years prior. The people finally had freedom and power after so many years and Cleisthenes led this revolution. The people made up an assembly, which were meeting where the people would discuss certain legislation and vote on it and also elect officials. The meetings at the assembly helped the citizens of Athens grow and prosper and it gave the opportunity for everyone to voice their opinion. A man named Pericles eventually led the democracy of Athens for a long time and helped the arts flourish during his rule. He led the construction of one of the most well-known structures called the Parthenon and this structure represented the influence of Pericles on the democracy. The democracy stood strong during numerous wars and conflicts that occurred in Athens but gradually declined after Athens’s surrender to Lysander during the Peloponnesian War. The democracy was still one of the greatest influences on the Greek Empire and helped Athens rise up during its glory years.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Daily #13
There are many differences between the Ancient Greek Olympics and the current Olympic Games today. One thing that is similar for both sets of Olympic Games is the games and events are pretty much the same because many of the ancient games are still played in today’s games like wrestling, boxing, pentathlon, and the horse and chariot races. The difference about the games is that there are so many more today than there were in ancient Greece so there is more of a selection of games to compete in. Another major difference is that religion was very important in the ancient Olympics, but not really that important in the games today. Zeus was the main god that the Greeks worshipped during the games and they even put sacrifices before him so Zeus could bring good luck to the games. Religion is not used much in today’s games but is still important for some people. In the Ancient Games, the victors were awarded some type of reward like sheep but the victors today are awarded medals depending if they finish in the top three overall. A huge difference is that even though men still compete today and in the past, they played naked in the Ancient Olympic Games but now they must where clothes. Women had their own games in the past honoring Hera but today all women are allowed to play in the Olympic Games. Women were not even allowed to be anywhere close to the main Olympic Games or they would be in trouble. One similarity that will exist for years are that there will always be great athletes during the Olympic Games and they will always be remembered for their achievements. Athletes will not always be admired for their achievements which will always be the case in the Olympic Games for certain people. Athletes will always train for the games so they will try to improve their bodies and become fit for the games. There are definitely a lot of similarities between the Ancient Olympic Games and today’s games but there are also major differences, too.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Weekly #3
Josh Mannion, Andrew Beard
February 11, 2011
Western Civ.
Standing Stone of Archbishop John Carroll
Archbishop John Carroll, the archbishop of Baltimore, died on December 3, 1815 and this standing stone is believed to be the marker of his tomb. The standing stone itself is eight feet tall and weighs 1,200 pounds, surrounded by fourteen smaller stones with lit torches of fire on the sides. The rocks were believed to be positioned here by his closes followers. One theory is that the fourteen small rocks that surround the standing stone are believed to represent all the institutions he had established. The lit torches hold the fire that is said to never burn out. I believe the fire represents the everlasting love of God that Archbishop John Carroll brought to the Baltimore area. Every December 3, the myth is that the ghost of Archbishop John Carroll roams the halls of the John Carroll High School in Bel Air, Maryland to continue his life he had as a teacher. Other people also believe the standing stone was used for a place of worship for a church that Archbishop John Carroll had built. They believe the fourteen stones surrounding the standing stone were people who were turned into stones for not keeping the Sabbath day holy. The correct explanation of why the standing stone and the circle of stones surrounding it is a complete mystery.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Daily #12
I think war is a form of technology because it has to do with the usage and knowledge of tools and is a method that applies these tools. The term war really goes well with the definition at, which is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.” War applies to this definition because war creates its own technical means and is related to using science. Also, this method affects society and the way of live for numerous types of people and it also affects the environment. War creates its own technical means because the armies and military people make their weapons to use in the war and the militaries use all the weapons to their fullest potentials. War also affects the way of life because when a war takes place somewhere, the people who live there are affected negatively and must cope with the war or must flee the area. Society is affected by wars because the government must do something to help the country in the war and the people must protect themselves and make the right decisions. Science is very helpful when it comes to wars because the science behind making weapons must be used for an advantage and medicine must be used and must improve when more and more soldiers get injured. There are so many tools that are used during wars and soldiers must be familiar with them so they can be used properly on such an important stage. All of these reasons help explain why war is a form of technology.
Daily #11
Structures are definitely improving socially because more and more people are using these structures for good intentions instead of people building these structures and just looking at them. In the past, workers would build structures and they would not get any use out of them from the people so it was kind of pointless for the structures to even exist. Throughout time, society has realized that these structures can be used for good things and for people to go in and use. In today’s world, we are now using pretty much every structure for something and we are even using them for shelter for people to live in temporarily. This is because the population in many areas of the world is increasing so rapidly that we must use keep building structures so often to keep up with the demand of the people. We are getting a lot of use out of all the buildings so that is a positive but if all the room and space is occupied, that means more homeless people. In terms of the buildings and structures, they will only continue to grow socially in the future.
I also agree that the structures are improving physically because they are becoming larger and stronger and they can hold a large capacity of people. Structures are so much more stable and stronger today compared to the structures in the past. First of all, the structures in the past were not made of strong material and were not good for protection of groups of people. The only exceptions to the statements made earlier are probably the pyramids in Egypt. The structures have come a long way to appear as they do today and the material today is much more abundant so more and more buildings can be built. We Almost every building or major structure in the developed countries are ten times better physically than they were in the past and they are even getting better. If maybe the past civilizations had the strong materials we have today, they could have built the structures to help protect their people. Today, contractors are using their blueprints to the full potential and have so much to work with around them. In the past, there were not many people who were willing to help build but today, there is so much help that is available. If the structures did not improve physically up until now, it would be hard for us to survive.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Daily #10
One example of a monument that is familiar to people here in Maryland would be the B&O Railroad Museum. This museum is located in the heart of Baltimore and is considered one of the most important railroad treasures in the whole world. The museum contains numerous 19th and 20th century artifacts from railroads and locomotives and was named a US National Historic Landmark in 1961. The original site of the museum was actually built in the year 1829 and the actual museum opened on July 4, 1953. I is situated at Mount Clare Station, which was part of the Mount Clare Shops that is the oldest railroad manufacturing company in the United States. Many people here know about this museum because of the famous B&O Railroad, but people far away might not understand why it was so important or even know anything about it. Another monument that is familiar to us here is the Washington Monument State Park. It is located in Washington County, Maryland, and honors one of the most important individuals in our country, George Washington. It was built in 1827 and was included as a National Register of Historic Places in 1972. Even though many people do not even know what this monument is, people in Maryland definitely understand and respect this monument.
There are also monuments from Pennsylvania that are important to the people of that state and the state of Maryland also. One of these historic landmarks is the Brandywine Battlefield historic site. This was part of the site of the Battle of Brandywine during the American Revolution and is located in Delaware County, PA. The battle that took place here was one of the most important battles during the American Revolution and when the British won this battle, it allowed them to take control of Philadelphia. This site became a National Historic Landmark in 1961 and became a state park in 1949. A famous monument remains on the site, which is George Washington’s headquarters and this was also called the Benjamin Ring House. Many people are familiar with this historic site in the Philadelphia metro area, but many outsiders would need an explanation to what this is.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Daily #9
There are so many human-made artifacts in the world that are over 2,000 years old. Some are more important than others, but this depends on what type of person you ask. All over the world artifacts were created to reflect their specific cultures and they helped future civilizations make their own artifacts. Something that made past artifacts stand out was probably their size because people seem to remember things that were big and large. That characteristic also applies to me because I like large things because they impress me a lot and they show me how much work people must have put into it just to finish it. Many of the large artifacts of history have become famous but this is not saying that much smaller artifacts have gained recognition throughout time. If humans put a lot of time and work into building such important artifacts, those artifacts must be recognized for all the hard work put into building them and that is why they are so famous now.
Since I like things large, I would say the most important artifact to me is the Great Pyramid of Giza. This enormous pyramid is one of the oldest pyramids ever built, and was the tallest man-made structure for over 3,800 years. It was probably finished around 2560 B.C. and it took over 15 years to build. The main theory to why it was built is it was a tomb for Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu. To build this, the Egyptians would have to work long hours every day for about 20 years so I am personally amazed on how this was accomplished. It is also amazing how they built this structure almost with perfection because there were few errors and the four sides are perfectly aligned to represent the ideal pyramid. This artifact is important to me because it paved the way for future structure to be built and it guided the construction of large structures to be built in the future. Also, I think an artifact should be noticed if so much planning and effort was put into it and I respect people who pretty much spend most of their lives building one enormous pyramid. I think if this pyramid was not built, then no structures with that size and weight would exist today because something had to lay the foundation and the Great Pyramid did.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Weekly #2
Andrew B.
Mr. Wojewodski
Western Civilization
3 February 2011
Weekly Assignment
Change is a very universal term and it can be a good thing or bad thing depending on what people a person asks. During the time period of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, people were not used to change and did not really know what it was at the time. Mesopotamia was considered where civilization first started, and it was the first area where people actually gathered and lived their lives together. It is located in present-day Iraq near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, which was a particularly great place to start a civilization with all the resources available. This was the area where the idea of agriculture really revolutionized and began to grow because many towns in this area had farms and they were able to sustain them most of the year. Architecture also grew because many cities and towns began to build buildings and towers to help protect themselves and have some sort of defense system. Urban growth was probably the most important thing that changed because civilizations began to grow so they built cities for people to live in and so there was a central place where everything happened. All of these ideas changed dramatically when Mesopotamia finally emerged as the first area with civilizations but it depends if the change really benefited them or not.
Many of the first origins of art occurred in Mesopotamia because of the first civilizations that took place there. Art flourished in Mesopotamia as well as the Indus Valley because many types of art were made and it really reflected their culture. Art became so important in these areas that more and more of it was built and also became more complex as the years went on. Many civilizations in the future would use the basis of their arts to make their own art that reflected their cultures. Before the time of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley, there was not many examples of art that were discovered yet so it was probably difficult for the people in these areas to make art in their own way. Somehow this was accomplished on their own and the people realized that they exceled at it, so they continued to make more and more forms of art. Change in art was most likely a good thing because the art in Mesopotamia and Indus Valley would lay the groundwork for other civilizations to use and we would not have art if the people in the past did not start it and make it popular.
An agricultural revolution really took place during Mesopotamia because the main focus was on hunting but people started to shift their attention to farms and crops. Hunting was still used during that time but not as much because the Tigris and Euphrates rivers provided fertile farmland for farmers to grow crops and use irrigation. Agriculture helped support families because the farms gave families the food they needed and it gave them the money since they could trade and sell their crops. Animals were also used to help produce and harvest crops from the farms and the domestication of animals was really helpful during this time. If the weather was really dry for a long period of time, farmers would use irrigation to water their crops and let them grow. The two rivers were the most important things in Mesopotamia because they gave life to just about everything and helped sustain the revolution in agriculture at the time. Even if the rivers flooded into the cities and the farms, dams were built to control the flow of water. I think it was hard for the people in Mesopotamia to transition to agriculture and farming because hunting was so important to them but I think this change was better for the development of the civilizations.
Architecture was also a very important change in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley for many reasons. First of all, the first civilizations needed building and towers to help protect their cities and to help protect from attacks from the outside. Many of the blueprints for the buildings were based on the past because the people wanted to keep the traditions with them. High- scale palaces were also built in the cities for the noble people and for storage in case of emergencies. The people could actually live in permanent homes made of mud and plaster and the size of the house really depended on how wealthy the family was. There were also statues made of the gods and goddesses for the people to worship so the architecture could have also reflected their religion and their beliefs. The people could finally stay in one spot because of the homes they could live in and it was not necessary for the people to be nomads and wander from place to place in search of food. The main function of the architecture was to help defend the city and protect the farms that were prospering from any outsiders. I think the architecture was mainly a good change because it helped cities grow and prosper but maybe the people wanted to keep past architecture the way it was.
Urban planning was very important in the Indus Valley because that area had the first urban areas and cities in the world. They also had the first urban areas to have sewage and draining systems and these were very advanced for their time. The cities were the main place for people to gather and they had a large population since cities did not exist before. The people there really had knowledge for urban planning because the quality of the cities was great and the effects of their knowledge are evident. Social interaction was also a major contribution to the growth of the cities because the people could make trades and sell products in the center of the cities. The cities made room for plenty of homes in the area and they all had access to clean water to use to bathe and cook with. They also built tall walls to protect the city from outside attacks and the overall city was heavily guarded all the time. I think that this change in urban planning was the best change in this time because the cities allowed for so much more activity and protection of the people and it gave people a place to live- something they never had before.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Daily #8
Artifacts of the humanities are objects or ideas that are somehow made or developed by human beings. These artifacts can include art, music, dance, theatre, literature, philosophy, and architecture. Within these categories is when human begin to create objects and things that can help us learn more about history and we can see it progress when more and more artifacts are discovered. Humans have been creating these artifacts for thousands of years and they can guide us to a time in history when they were made. These artifacts are so important in history because throughout the years we can see how each artifact has progressed through the years and how they have revolutionized from simple things years ago to complex things today in the present. Political/military conflicts have been occurring since the beginning of time and some have been major while some have been relatively minor. Historians can see that wars occur almost all the time and since there have been so many, we can find out if the state of wars in the world are getting better or worse. The results can tell us if history really is guiding us in the right path for the future or it is not progressing and it is going to get much worse. Both of these ideas can be roadmaps of history where they guide us in the right path and we can learn from them in the past, but it depends on which idea is better for us to use from.
I think that the artifacts of humanities are a better roadmap for history because we can track the artifacts for these humanities from thousands of years ago and we can see how much we have grown in these categories. Art has vastly improved through the years because art has grown more complex these days compared to how simple it was back in the day. Philosophy is one of the artifacts that have grown the most because there were many famous philosophers in the past including Socrates and Plato that developed systems of philosophy, and today we have based many of our philosophies on the ones in the past. All of the other artifacts of humanities have greatly improved throughout time and have led me to believe that history is getting much better because of the improvements of these artifacts. These artifacts are guiding history in the right path in my opinion and I think the artifacts are a great way to see if history is going in the right path. I just think it is easier to see the progress of history and how it is changing through artifacts made by the people than wars created by us.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Daily #7
Venus of Willendorf was a very famous statue that was created between 22,000 and 21,000 B.C. that depicts the image of a nude woman. It is only about eleven centimeters tall but it is probably one of the earliest forms of art ever discovered. It was discovered only about 100 years ago in 1908 by Josef Szombathy near Willendorf, which was a small village in Austria. This statue was carved out of limestone and it had leaded the way for similar statues and forms of art, which were eventually referred to as Venus figurines. It is unknown who actually carved it out and where it was carved, and the only thing known was when it was created. It did not have an identifiable head and the size of its stomach symbolized a fertility symbol so pregnant women could have had luck in child birth and they could have a lot of children. It could have also given good luck to fertile land during the agricultural season and good luck to a good hunting season. The main point is that this form of art was one of the first ever created and many sculptors based their work on it.
At the same time in history, many forms of art were taking place, including the famous cave paintings at Lascaux. This was a cave in France that had paintings all over the walls of animals that depicted the hunting season and how it affected the animals. It was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers and it is open to the public since it is so famous. If the cave paintings at Lascaux and the Venus of Willendorf were created roughly around the same time, it means that the people during that time had two things they had to do- have children and go hunting. The domestication of animals was also occurring during this time so all these events are occurring and are somehow related. I think that these are all related because there was going to be a whole new revolution in agriculture that was going to happen soon. Venus of Willendorf was a token of good luck for fertile land to grow crops and the domestication of animals would help the people use animals to help them with their harvest of crops. This would grow into one of the most prosperous forms of work during that time and it would replace hunting by using the animals for good instead of killing them.
Daily #6 My languange
Andrew B. and Josh M.
Mr. Wojewodski
Western Civilization
Mr. Wojewodski
Western Civilization
Our New Language
This is our newly developed language with many words you have never seen before. It is very interesting and I hope you have time to learn it on your own. We are still trying to make a name for it and we are trying to discover new words to add to our language.
Sun- Raus
Water- Wak
Tree- Arb
Wood- Yad
Rain- Luoy
Fire- Ulv
Wind- Vre
Dead- Yui
Blood- Gyioip
House- Hty
Sky- Weq
Storm- Poz
Deer- Fal
Bear- Gry
Moose- Zran
Bird- Cyl
Wolf- Aak
Play- Jyge
Speak- Hilir
Hunt- Huyr
Sleep- Tef
Eat- Feg
Drink- Keli
Kill- Truk
Swim- Nazb
Run- Coziy
Shine- Raxd
Small- Zaf
Big- Faz
Tall- Oiq
Pretty- Hwd
Ugly- Dwh
Bright- Syh
Dark- Hys
Smart- Zyx
Young- Tox
Good- Byk
Evil- Kyb
Brown- ah
Yellow- aha
Green- ahal
Orange- ahalaja
Black- Oog
Tomorrow- Kyiou
Yesterday- Uoiyk
Quickly- Tygir
Slowly- Rigyt
Greeting Words
Hi- Deka
Bye- Aked
Good Morning- Byk mor
See ya- Fyz fa
Good night- Byk nor
Hey- Lek
Good afternoon- Byk lor
Howdy- Deba
Welcome- Clum
What’s up- Kwa ru
Yo- Oy
1.) There is no real order to the placement of the words. Except adjectives come after the noun.
2.) To make a noun plural add an “x” to the beginning of the word.
3.) To make a question just add the word “kyu” at the beginning of the sentence.
4.) No real punctuation
5.) No articles, prepositions, or pronouns.
6.) Give your name for the pronoun.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Daily #5
You accidentally discover an invention that can immediately help millions of people; but only if you act immediately. On the other hand, if you just wait three months, you can secure a patent and get rich. Which do you choose and why?
I would definitely act quickly and help all the people in need because I could become a great hero where everyone in the world would respect and look up to me. Also, it is way more important to do things for others than to be selfish and keep things to yourself and you should always put others before yourself in your daily life. I think it is always a great feeling to help others in my life, and I cannot imagine how great it would be to help millions of people and save them. This would probably be a decision where I would not have to think long and hard about because you always do what is right for the people when the time comes and do helpful things that benefit others. On the other hand, I could use the money from my device to do positive things for the world and help solve major conflicts that are occurring. Even though there are so much things I could buy and use for the good of the world if I became rich, God and my family would want me to do what is right for others and the world.
One thing that would influence my decision is how much time I have to act upon the situation. If I take too much time to make a decision, my chance to save millions will go down the drain and I would feel terrible if that happened. Something I could think about to help me is the importance and significance of the event. This opportunity usually never happens during a person’s lifetime, so I would consider myself pretty lucky to be given this huge chance to help the world in a big way. I would still probably get somewhat rich if I helped millions of people because I would more than likely be honored for my achievements and I would be rewarded somehow. My device would probably get a patent anyway because it would be so famous for helping millions of people and I would be able to use it again in the future without anyone stealing it. Making the choice to help the millions of people would definitely be the better end of the deal and it would help me become a better person mentally and physically.
I would definitely act quickly and help all the people in need because I could become a great hero where everyone in the world would respect and look up to me. Also, it is way more important to do things for others than to be selfish and keep things to yourself and you should always put others before yourself in your daily life. I think it is always a great feeling to help others in my life, and I cannot imagine how great it would be to help millions of people and save them. This would probably be a decision where I would not have to think long and hard about because you always do what is right for the people when the time comes and do helpful things that benefit others. On the other hand, I could use the money from my device to do positive things for the world and help solve major conflicts that are occurring. Even though there are so much things I could buy and use for the good of the world if I became rich, God and my family would want me to do what is right for others and the world.
One thing that would influence my decision is how much time I have to act upon the situation. If I take too much time to make a decision, my chance to save millions will go down the drain and I would feel terrible if that happened. Something I could think about to help me is the importance and significance of the event. This opportunity usually never happens during a person’s lifetime, so I would consider myself pretty lucky to be given this huge chance to help the world in a big way. I would still probably get somewhat rich if I helped millions of people because I would more than likely be honored for my achievements and I would be rewarded somehow. My device would probably get a patent anyway because it would be so famous for helping millions of people and I would be able to use it again in the future without anyone stealing it. Making the choice to help the millions of people would definitely be the better end of the deal and it would help me become a better person mentally and physically.
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